Saturday, May 25, 2013

Moving on up

Moving Day.

As I have mentioned once or twice in this blog, there have been some technical issues here at Blogger. There is a definitive possibility that some of them were malfunctions on the part of the writer, as any number of my parts and gears and motors have been shot to hell or just good old loopy at various points.

But there's also been simply annoying aspects like not being able to upload photos from an ipad or phone without agreeing to let Google (who owns Blogger) drag all your shit into the Cloud where they will carefully sell most of it to China, Syria, and, worst of all, Wal-Mart.

So with the help of a college pal who does this stuff, I am migrating the blog over to Wordpress. Hopefully everything leading to now will migrate as well, and after a certain period of time I can shut this end down. We'll see.

So please follow the below link to our new communal home in leukemic joy. And once you get there I'll tell you the plan for the next couple weeks, because we fly away in about 14 hours.

